

Alif Foundation is a leading voice in the education sector. Our education program has the overall goal of increasing access to quality education, especially for vulnerable groups of children. Our work focuses on ensuring that children and their parents are able to play a full and active role in school governance. This results in the improvement of the learning environment for boys and girls in both early childhood learning centers and primary schools.

In addition, our programs increase the access to quality education for marginalized children. We collaborate with communities to construct classrooms, train teachers and provide learning materials, as well as conducting extensive awareness-raising work on the importance of education. Teachers and community members are also provided with training so they are able to provide psychosocial support and promote a healthy, violence-free environment within families and communities.

In education, we seek to develop human capital by providing literacy and math skills for adults, encouraging school enrollment and attendance among children, especially girls, and by improving educational infrastructure.

Build a School

Improving the learning opportunities and outcomes of education, among girls as the first priority then boys protection of Muslim generation provide a firm foundation for future education and learning.

Fulfill all essential goals of education strengthening and promoting the moral teachings (Akhlaq and Tarbiyah) within the community creating an adequate environment for circular and religious education a place where Muslims can gather for both spiritual and social purposes, create access to basic education that promotes the poverty eradication. A building school is concerned essentially with personality development,

Islamic values, identity, self esteem, belonging, leadership, and other issues centering around developing a strong Muslim personality, capable of fulfilling its responsibility of stewardship.

Outcomes of a Building School:

The adequate infrastructures shall

  • Apply a positive learning environment that supports the learners to thrive,
  • learners will acknowledge their presence in the world and the gifts that they have to offer after graduation,
  • Teachers will have maximum effectiveness and instruction space to demonstrate and deliver,

Teachers and administrators will have

  • ability to work as a team,
  • effective communication,
  • ability to solve both education and social problems (counseling),

Quality educational services will be brought closer and nearer to the community

Impacts of a Building School:

  • Parents will satisfactory acknowledge the education quality delivered at their community level as compared to urban schools,
  • Children will be re-enrolled in school and not used as human power for domestic purposes or early child marriage.
  • Physical elements such as wall art, arrangement of desks, or resources will systematically be organized reflecting results of knowledge and skill achievement and change in attitude and behavior among the learners,
  • Intangible elements such as the energy of the classroom, the rules, or the sounds within the room shall be improved,
  • Teachers’ attitude within the emotional environment will be motivated and positively will they have beneficial impacts on their learners.